1 - Large / Small type
2 - Patterned / Plain fill
3 - White space / Cover model
4 - White on back
5 - Large / Small character
6 - Serif typeface / San-serif typeface
1 - White Typeface colouration
2 - Star symbol
3 - Green desaturated typeface colouration
4 - Black stroke
5 - White sans-serif typeface
6 - Desaturated green box
1 - Centred cover model and magazine title
2 - HIM logo and text right aligned
3 - Right aligned PLUS text and band text
4 - Free poster text and images
1 - Masthead
2 - Cover Model
3 - Cover Line
Kerrang magazine has used contrast with type. We can see this from the use of large and small type in the HIM text and the smaller text next to it. From this we know that the larger text is more important than the smaller text, so that the ' HIM ' band title is more important than the multiple band list. There is also contrast between serif and sans-serif typefaces. On ' The Amazing Resurrection Of Ville Valo ' we can see a serif typeface has been used, but on the band list there has been sans-serif typeface which has been used. Placed on top of the magazine title the ' Life is Loud ' has been placed with a contrasting black stroke, this makes the type more legible on top of the Title.
As you can see there is a very desaturated colour pallet with black and white being used repeatedly. As well as a green desaturated typeface colouration, there is also the repetition of serif and sans-serif typefaces. Due to the type of magazine and that it's designed specifically to be darker rather than have a high saturation, the desaturated colours used works well with the magazine design.
The alignment used in this magazine is rather simplistic but also very effective. The main alignments on the Karrang magazine cover is that of a central alignment and is also asymmetrical. The main information on the page has been kept to the left, these parts as less important to the audience and due to this your eye is draw into the covers centre alignment which is an important element for the product.
At the top of the cover there is a very tight proximity between the typefaces. The masthead and selling line is also have a close proximity, and this has specifically been done so that the audiences eye is automatically drawn towards the masthead, and then to the selling line, hoping to catch the readers attention and buy the magazine to read what's inside.