Work In Progress
This is the first screenshot of my no staples booklet. After finishing the pencil sketches I scanned each page into my laptop and then opened them both in photoshop. By pressing Ctrl + L, photoshop opened up the levels panel, and I was able to remove the white background but also enhance the lines colour, which were a faint grey since it was in my sketch book and make them a thick black colour.
after doing this i selected the lasso tool and started to carefully edge around the sketches i wanted and then place them onto my proper no staples template in the positions i wanted them.
Whilst doing this I tried to make sure that their wasn't a lot of empty space, and that meant trying to fill the page effectively, but not make it over crowded and make the piece of work look messy. Making sure that each new sketch was on a different layer, so that if I wanted to change anything for one sketch the rest wouldn't be altered.
On this page I then started to put the rest of my images and then make sure they were in the right position I started to colour in each dog and dog memorabilia in with the most amount of detail I could possibly add. I did all this on different layers, and then once I'd finished I started to colour on different layers, this meant that if i wanted to change the outline or change the colouring I could.
I started to completely colour each part in piece by piece and then add in the detail on yet again another layer which was placed over the top of the basic blue or grey colour and then merged down so to minimize the amount of layers I'd have with the finished product and to make sure that none of the layers would get mixed up, and get hidden by the base colours while I was changing each sketch.

Once I'd spent time creating base layers of colour and then adding different sections of black and white detail, and merging them and creating a nice effect with the smudge tool, I started to group all my coloured layers so that they wouldn't get mixed up with the outline of each sketch.
Each little sketch took me on average thirty minutes each to complete with the base colours and detail combined.

I'd decided that when colouring in the dog sketches which either had their mouth open or their eyes wide open so that we could see them properly, since i couldn't colour in the mouth with a plum hue or make the eyes brown / green I changed all the grey colours to a light blue, this in the end gave a lovely effect on each sketch and it kept to the brief that was given at the start of the task.

This is what the first completed side looks like, with all the colour and detail added to each little sketch. Once everything had been coloured I did change the position of some of the dogs, trying to space out where the grey colours were and where the blue coloured where, aiming not to get clumps of each one.
On my centre page I decided that instead of just putting picture of a dog or some memorabilia I would also put the title that was on the back of the other page. I liked the idea that this could be used on my inside over and not just the outside back page.
For the second page of my booklet I decided that I'd select one of my already made drawings and enlarge it to add more effect. I chose the Border collie because when it's enlarged it still had the effect I wanted it too, and it also fit very well under my writing " The Art Of Dogs ".
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